martes, 11 de octubre de 2011



Many people who consider themselves a fan of the animes and the Japanese culture for example, they don´t know about the meaning of the term Otaku and how this way of life has dominated in the world. I´ll talk about the positive and negative things of it, the several kinds of Otakus and how their attitude and temperament is, etc. I hope this article will be welcome to everybody.


The word Otaku comes from the Japanese "or" a particle of honor, and "taku" home. It was used in the 80s as a second person pronoun among amateur photographers.  As photographers were seen as socially awkward, reclusive and obsessed with their hobby, "Otaku" was adopting such negative connotations and it will become a description to any obsessive person of whatever thing. 

Nowadays, Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, hentai, manga, or video games.


There are several ways of being an Otaku, here I´m going to mention a few of them:

* The Otaku uninformed: This is unfolding as a knowledgeable person, who can recommend series, going to conventions, you want to appear on some means of communication to provide samples of all his knowledge, but paradoxically they know little about authors, music and history of yours favorite series, they are left with the first impression and do not deal thoroughly to investigate what interests them. Rarely they find the background of the series and their analysis is invalid.

* The Japanese Otaku or Wapanese: They are people really extremist; they lose their ideology to become a Latino who thinks in Japanese. Their food is adapted to eastern modes and they enjoy using chopsticks, they take Nipponese words to convey their ideas and if it is possible they study the language too. His ultimate dream is going to Japan or working in any transnational corporations that follow the rigorous lineament of the east. Its good point is definitely the passion they have about the information.

* The Otaku Hentai: The hentai is the anime with sexual innuendo, the Japanese word translates as perverted or perversion. These Otakus had their first contact with these anime series. They can be considered as reserved and lonely people who satisfy their fantasies through television stories. They acquire Japanese dating game making virtual love to live and buy figurines of girls in suggestive positions. Some of them leave this condition for the interest that cause the stories that don´t have sexual content.

* The Ephemeral Otaku: They may also be regarded as the fashion Otaku, they are people who attend to conventions and buy everything they see on a series in question. They consume mainly wich are transmitted through open television channels. Unfortunately, these Otakus don´t know the cartoons that they presence are Nipoon and they have little interest of information. Sometimes the animations excite them so much that they can go into the world Nippon voluntarily to become a true follower.

* The Closet Otaku: This kind of Otaku denies flatly his/her relationship with Nippon items, his/her friends are unaware of their situation and their families are kept informed but they have their distance by explicit request of him. They can be the most secretive and sometimes they conceal their appearance so extremely.

* The mid Otaku: They are consumer of eastern news, they carefully managed Japanese terms designating genres, styles or social problems. They are fools, and if some way they express an aberration of their favorite anime they will not be tired to discredit the author. They may be the most educated and responsible, but their ego requires them to promote a evangelization of anime, manga and videogames.


Cosplay (short for "costume play") is a type of performance art in which participants' costumes and accessories represent a specific character or idea. Characters are often drawn from popular fiction in Japan, but recent trends have included American cartoons and Sci-Fi (science fiction). Favorite sources include manga, anime, tokusatsu (special effects) , comic books, graphic novels, video games, hentai and fantasy movies. Any entity from the real or virtual world that lends itself to dramatic interpretation may be taken up as a subject. Inanimate objects are given anthropomorphic forms and it is not unusual to see genders' alteration, with women playing male roles and viceversa. There is also a subset of cosplay culture centered around sex-appeal, with cosplayers specifically choosing characters that are known for their attractiveness and/or revealing  costumes (even explicit).
Cosplayers often interact to create a subculture centred on role play. A broader use of the term cosplay applies to any costumed role play in venues apart from the stage, regardless of the cultural context.


Otakon is a fan convention in the United States and other countries of the world that focusing on the East Asian popular culture (primarily anime, manga, music, and cinema) and its fandom. The name is a portmanteau derived from convention and the Japanese word Otaku. Otakon is one of the longest-running Anime conventions in the United States, and the second largest averaging over 22,000 paid attendees since 2005 for mention some. Even so, the convention has expanded since then, with attendance above 26,000 in both 2008 and 2009 and attendance officially surpassing 29,000 in 2010.

As one of the longest running and largest conventions of its type, Otakon offers a very broad range of programming, exhibits, and other events. Typical Otakon programming includes:

1.- Video programming
2.- Panels and workshops
3.- Costume events
4.- Art events
5.- Music
6.- Gaming
7.- Merchandise
8.- Friday and Saturday night dance
9.- Other Events
10.- Autographs
11.- Live-action role-playing (LARP)
12.- Events for younger children


The word Otaku is a Japanese term that born in the 80´s, an Otaku is a person who is a fan of animes, manga and whatever things related with Japanese culture, It´s a way of being that express likes, hobbies and culture in some ocassion. There are many differents kinds of Otakus like Otaku hentai or mid Otaku, the cosplays besides are a way of expression for some people and I have to mention the Otakon, a convention that show to the persons many spectacular things. 

Personally. my kind of being like Otaku is different for some people, but I´ve made that they can accept me to the extent that they´ve been my friends and shared my likes. A Otaku, as such, is a way of show the feelings and expressions in the art of Japanese cartoons and videogames, It can be in how dress(cosplay), what read(manga), likes in anime, enjoy the visit in Otakons, the Japanese food and whatever you like and make you feeling well. 


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